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Some entrepreneurs know their vision, have a sound plan, and just need me to be a sounding board. These are usually entrepreneurs who are on their second or third business. Most need more assistance. Does this sound like you?

If so, often we start with creating a road map so you can see the whole path. We identify all of the steps possible (there will always be surprises), and we prioritize them. 

We focus on truly becoming organized. A lot of work goes into the early stages of starting a business and good time management dictates organization. 

I help you learn shortcuts to approaching each step. This can look like learning how to do market research, realistic paths for funding, and/or why marketing is so important. 

And I will caution you about pitfalls and mistakes. 

Last but not least - you'll be accountable and stay on track.

Well, that’s the goal. Sometimes we go off track. Becoming an entrepreneur is hard. It often involves a bit of a roller coaster ride, and support is needed. It’s a crash course. It’s an MBA.

For some, we meet on an as-needed basis checking in weekly or even monthly (usually reserved for the seasoned Type A entrepreneur). For most, we meet once or twice a week and have mini check-ins throughout the week via phone, text, or email. Anything less often leads to procrastination, stagnation, and the death of the idea. Booo!

Through this process, you will learn if you have what it takes. The good news is that it’s not rocket-surgery. It’s a game of perseverance. Do you think you have what it takes?

During our first meeting(s) we will discuss what you feel your business's challenges are. I will get to know you and any key players. I will ask a lot of questions to make sure that I am getting the full picture. I’ll be on the lookout for the most common weaknesses of small businesses and look “behind” areas of weakness to try to identify less obvious 


Based on what we assess, together we will craft a way forward. Every business needs something different and often budget considerations must be made. My approach isn’t disruptive, but complimentary. You know your business best. If you are like most small business owners, you just can’t see the trees for the forest. It's all a bit of a blur. I bring a fresh set of eyes that can see all the individual trees- I help identify which ones are out of place, need a trim or to be transplanted.

In other words, I do this by identifying missed opportunities, presenting new or under/incorrectly utilized options, and making small tweaks. (Tweaks can have a large impact!) Many companies do 70% of the work but fall short on the back 30%. 


I loan you an experienced business owner’s perspective, helping you strategically move in the right direction, and limiting the bumps. I help usher in clarity and then direction.

“I hired Myra thinking I needed help with systems, but what I really needed help with was HR!”

-Mary, Cafe Owner, LA

Donna T, Project Manager- MFA, NY

"I have never given a Google review before, but I had to for Myra because working with her has been like finding a rare gem. She has not only made my work transition easy, but we can communicate about big ideas and concepts to keep me focused... She helps you to tap into the little things that make you tick with resources to build your confidence."

Mark T, B2B Wellness Supply, NY

"Seeing my operation through Myra's eyes was... absolutely what we needed. There were many disconnects inside our operations from systems to employee understanding to marketing. I don't have an MBA and came up through the ranks so to speak. I've been so busy working "in the business" as she says, that I lost perspective and didn't make time to work "on the business". I made excuses about being too busy. Now I see that I was chasing my own tail. She's been invaluable to us."

J.P. E, Senior Designer NCIDQ, RID, FL

"I first had the pleasure of working with Myra when she served as Lead Business Strategist for my previous employer. She played a critical role in helping our small grassroots team evolve into a focused and legitimate organization, that more than doubled in size during her tenure


Myra established the foundation of the company’s HR, Payroll, Accounting, Client Contracts, and team structure while recruiting and on-boarding new team members and serving as the business’s guiding beacon. With Myra‘s assistance and expertise, the business soon became a more efficient, legally compliant, and strategic organization with a focused path toward financial and operational success! 


Myra‘s strategic approach to business organization and team mentorship is a very hands-on, personal, and “people focused“ process. She is extremely well-versed in creating and executing custom tailored business strategies in all areas of company operations. Her invaluable expertise in crafting scalable business plans and organization structures that are customized to the business and its team, allows her to help build a streamlined and well-oiled machine for any successful business from the ground up!


After having worked closely with Myra in her role at my previous employer, where she served as lead business strategist, I once again partnered with her in one-on -one professional coaching. She helped me create a focused professional strategy, as I looked for my next career path. Her help in navigating the new employee recruitment landscape was invaluable! She helped me restructure and optimize my résumé which resulted in an ATS score boost of over 55 points in just three rounds of revisions! Her expertise in current recruitment practices was also instrumental in my application and interviewing strategies. She not only helped me identify how to best sell my skill set and expertise in various markets, but she used her unique psychological and negotiation oriented approach to tailor my customized interview coaching plan. 


I whole heartedly recommend Myra Spence to any business or individual needing a “no nonsense” yet personable “business wing woman!” She will quickly prove the value, expertise, and guidance she can bring to the business endeavors of any growing organization, aspiring career professional, or budding entrepreneur!" 

Emily R, Fimmaker & Bold Entreprenuer, OH

I am in the early stages of starting my business, and also in working with Myra. I cannot stress how valuable my experience so far has been working with her, and we’ve only met a handful of times. I’m so glad I’ve started working with her this early in the process, as she’s helped immensely in guiding where I’m focusing my energy and efforts. On my own, I would have probably gotten so overwhelmed by now, but Myra has coached me to take on an entrepreneurial mindset and helped me realize what areas are important and necessary to get started. Having no background in business, but starting to learn via podcasts, books and resources online, I quickly realized that there are immeasurable steps to take a business from concept to getting your first sale. For me, this realization made me initially doubt my abilities and if my idea was worth it. However, Myra has assured me time and time again that my ideas are valuable, my business concept is realistic, and my efforts will be rewarded. She helped me find the confidence to believe I could actually start my business. With her coaching, I really believe I can go this distance to open my business. Thank you, Myra!!

Gabby B, Non-profit EA, FL

"Myra's expertise in setting up a nonprofit has made such a positive impact in ours. She's extremely organized and makes sure all projects are set up for success. She takes time from the small details to the large ones and makes sure everything is explained. She always has a great attitude! If you get the chance to work with her you won't regret it."

David C, Education Services, CT

"She is a wealth of knowledge and a great teacher. Myra makes you feel very comfortable and able to ask any question that pops into your mind without hesitation. (There can be a lot of embarrassing questions in the beginning.) She makes you feel confident that you have someone that has been there/done that, guiding you. I am sure I have avoided countless mistakes and saved a lot of time and heartache due to her assistance."

Mary, Cafe Owner, CA

"I hired myra thinking I needed help with systems. It turned out I needed help with HR and training my staff to sell."

During our first meeting(s) we will discuss what you feel your business's challenges are. I will get to know you and any key players. I will ask a lot of questions to make sure that I am getting the full picture. I’ll be on the lookout for the most common weaknesses of small businesses and look “behind” areas of weakness for the real culprit. We need to chase the problem back to its truest source and correct it from there. Owners often complain of not being able to see "the trees for the forest". Thus hiring a set of fresh eyes allows for clarity.

Based on what we assess, together we will craft a way forward. Every business needs something different and often budget considerations must be made. My approach isn’t disruptive, but complimentary. I hear many stories of consultants coming in and making sweeping changes and forcing systems and approaches that they are comfortable with, but it put the owner and staff through hell. Owners have reported to me that "Initially it felt good, like the change that was needed was finally happening". But in hindsight learned that it wasn't the right approach. It was too much, too quick- and ultimately counter productive. That's not how I work. You know your business best. Let's keep what's already working and look to make small, manageable tweaks.

I have found that many companies do 70, 80, 90% good, smart work but fall short on those last crucial steps. And that is often where all the difference is made. Tweaks add up and are often all that is needed to provide huge results. Will it feel as satisfying on day one? For some, maybe not. Will it put your staff through tremendous stress? No. Will it yield a stronger ROI ? Yes. Will it strengthen what you have built? Yes.


In working together my goal is to be a comfortable add-on, ushering in clarity, direction, and ease with implementation. The approach I take with each company is different. It has to be tailored. Each company needs something different. What is consistent is that in the beginning I gather information and look to really listen and learn. Once I have gained a level of comfort, we meet to discuss the options for how to move forward making sure my approach is clear and comfortable for you and your staff. This can look like limited guidance remotely, or this can look like me working along side you and/or your staff for a few weeks or months- and everything in-between.

If you are struggling or know that there is a better way but you just can't see it, give me a call. Don't wait until you are in a desperate situation. Sometimes a long chat is enough to provide owners with sudden clarity and direction.


Some entrepreneurs know their vision, have a sound plan, and just need me to be a sounding board. These are usually entrepreneurs who are on their second or third business. Most of them utilize me on an as needed basis asking me to review their planning, look for holes, or fill in where they are weakest. And there are the first timers-they need more assistance. 

For the first time entrepreneur we often start with creating a road map so you can see the whole path. We identify all of the steps possible (there will always be surprises), and we prioritize them. It is crucial to see it all laid out so that you know where you are headed, what comes first, and how it all ties together. This is the kind of things that often gets tapped to a wall so that when you feel lost (and you will), you can go stare at it and realize- you're okay. 


Then we focus on truly becoming organized. A lot of work goes into the early stages of starting a business and good time management dictates good organization. Research performed 6 months ago is often forgotten. "What did they say?" Having good (findable) notes means you aren't re-doing your own work.

I help you learn the steps and the shortcuts. This can look like learning how to do market research the right way, identifying realistic paths for funding, and/or understanding what makes effective marketing and why marketing is so important. I will caution you about pitfalls and mistakes saving you time and preserving your morale- you're going to need it. Last but not least - you'll be accountable and that will help you stay on track. Well, that’s the goal. Sometimes we go off track a little... Becoming an entrepreneur is hard. It often involves a bit of a roller coaster ride, and support is needed. It’s a crash course. It’s an MBA where your or someone's hard-earned money is at stake.

We meet once or twice a week and have mini check-ins throughout the week as needed (via video, phone, text, or email). Anything less often leads to procrastination, stagnation, and the death of the idea. Booo!

Do you think you have what it takes? Do you want to find out?

Through this process, you will learn whether or not you have what it takes. The good news is that it’s not rocket-surgery. It’s a game of perseverance. If this sounds daunting to you, you may want to consider doing a "Business 101" course with me. It's a great way to gage where you are at and make a more informed decision from there. There's no commitment. We meet with 1.5 hours and you decide if you want to keep going, transition to starting your business, or decide it's just not right for you. Better to try and know, then to live wondering if you could have.....

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